Bus from Prague to Český Krumlov

The fastest and most popular bus service from Prague to Český Krumlov is operated by Regiojet (Student Agency) with their characteristic yellow buses.

Bus Station in Prague

In Prague it departs from Na Knížecí bus station. The best way to get there is by metro line B to Anděl station (3 stops from Můstek / Wenceslas Square, direction to Zličín). When exiting the metro station, make sure you follow the signs for Na Knížecí and not Anděl (the station has exits on both ends). If you take the right one, you will come right to your bus stop immediately as you get onto the surface.

Distance and Travel Time

The distance from Prague to Český Krumlov is 184 km (114 miles). These buses go via the D4 motorway (western route) and stop in Písek and České Budejovice. Total travel time from Prague to Český Krumlov is approximately 3 hours (2:55 according to the current schedule). The bus is quite frequent, usually hourly during the day.


Prices can vary, but expect about 200 CZK one way per person. You can buy tickets on departure at the bus stop (may be sold out at busy times) or online at Regiojet.cz.


Other Bus Services

The service above is best if you don’t speak Czech and are not familiar with the country, because it’s direct and simple. There are other alternatives, but these usually involve a change (typically in České Budějovice). You are unlikely to beat the above service on either travel time and price. Some of the other buses depart from other bus stations in Prague, usually Florenc (the central bus station, on metro line C) or Roztyly (also line C, direction Háje).


Another alternative is the train, departing from the main train station (Hlavní nádraží, metro line C). You will again need to change trains in České Budějovice. Note that the train from České Budějovice to Český Krumlov is very slow and quite infrequent, although if you have the time, it is a truly authentic experience and a great way to see a bit of the countryside – it passes through some lovely South Bohemian villages).

Day Trip or Overnight?

Some people visit Český Krumlov as a day trip from Prague. It can be done, but be prepared to spend most of the day on the bus (the train, being slower, is probably not a good option in such case). If you have time, consider spending at least a night in Český Krumlov or in České Budějovice, which is the capital of the region and also a very beautiful historical city (established 1265). Another popular attraction is Hluboká Castle, very close to České Budějovice. These three can be done comfortably as a 2-day trip from Prague.

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